Monday, June 11, 2012

Katie vs. Spider

   Let's get right into it.  This morning I unlocked my car door, opened it,  and put my arm in to set  my purse down on the passenger seat before getting in.   As I put my arm in, it pushed through a giant spiderweb.  Repeat: I put my arm through a spiderweb...INSIDE of my car.  On the driver's side.  A spider somehow got into my car and decided to build it's home where my head would be.

     This is not my first blog about bugs.  I don't like eating bugs and I don't like co-habitating with spiders.    They are evil 8 legged demons that I'm positive are on Earth just to fuck with me.  So we're clear, I'm not scared of all tiny legged creatures, I love snakes,  and rats are precious.  Oh, and I'm not crazy about fish, but that's for another day.

     So now, I had to remove the web and get into the car to drive to work.   For a few minutes, I considered calling off, of course, giving the reason that I don't want to drive in a spider's house.  It could be lurking anywhere.  Where was it?!?   I looked all over for the demon and it was nowhere to be found.  I had to get in and go.  Fuck.  I got in and started driving, all while scratching the phantom itches that were popping up all over my body.  I called hubby and our conversation went a little something like this:

"BABE!!  There is a spider somewhere in my car.  A spider has made it's home INSIDE my car.  WHAT DO I DO NOW?!?!!?"

"What do you do??!!   You sell the car!!"

     I knew I loved him.  Now I have to go on my day off tomorrow and have it detailed.  I'm taking no chances.

ps #1.  When I was probably 10, I was laying on the floor of my bedroom watching Arachnophobia.  I started feeling those phantom itches, but ignored them thinking it was all in my head.  After one phantom itch wouldn't go away, I looked down and there was a super bug crawling on me.

ps #2.  I watched Arachnophobia on my wedding day.

ps #3.  I'm all itchy just thinking about it right now.

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